I raise my ideas, go on by Odyssee. How much I have, as many as Van Damme kick. It's done like that, B do not expect miracles Just like with a devoted loan. It's enough to let it spill. paktofonika wielka gra pierwsza wersja

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It's enough to let it spill.

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Fingers with my fingers change my thoughts into gold I am an alchemist. Who asks not stray?

And Penelope, grab the loop, throw the mop. It's done like that, B do not expect miracles It's just not a habit to the young people, boys and girls usually read to be like lazy hunters chatting about chances, today, there is no food for financing. Just look and build your own legend. Not like it, wersjz will not come unawares, and end up or down decide. I know, I'm not afraid of it, there will be hits with Newsweek.

A reasonable result, though senseless action, it's like a daub, fiction, abstraction.


You do not pour in vain, without much difficulty, without dreams, imaginations, actions do not expect miracles Wskrzeszam idee, dalej przez odysee. Great game, how do you think? How much I have, as many as Van Damme kick. I treat like Religa, it's a zero league.

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Bumper, have and be able to answer, on the real estate unlike a bear. Because you determine the value of the results here, it's a damp road, but not a road to nowhere, It is a pity for lamentations, it is a pity for your sin. Great game, paktofonioa not look for a dodge, do not look for dodging, big game, do not look for a dodge I raise my ideas, go on by Odyssee.

You know how the country sold them fashion and success. Come on, do not think, do not meditate, just think it over, it's good to think it out, foundation for later, now get ready.

Like a Guardian Angel, I will be next. And everything and nothing, position and title Branded life or smuggling life, do you want to eat well or eat shame?

So I think, so I am also a dilemma for me, and these questions answers, check what's in your head, little? Wielka gra nie szukaj uniku, nie szukaj uniku, wielka gra nie szukaj uniku. Ile mam, tyle dam, jak Van Damme kopa.

Like Sancho Panza, peirwsza mechanical orange, it's a fight for words, not half-word half-wit. Just like with a devoted loan. There is no forgiveness, you need two kilos of work to get into the bread, For a dime of fish, like Babylon touch the sky. Not like Kwasniewski is a dietician.

paktofonika wielka gra pierwsza wersja

The allies are the foot, the snare drum, the hi-hat, the snare drum, the foot. Kid, I'm a dupe, maybe he wants a horn?


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