The Special Rapporteur also sent 35 letters reminding the Governments of the following countries of a number of cases that had been transmitted in previous years: Concerning Rahinga Muslim refugees ibid. It is also evident that the treatment is facilitated by the exorbitant periods of incommunicado detention in the hands of law enforcement or security authorities, which periods appear to be able to last for months on end. In particular, the Special Rapporteur has received information on the individual cases listed below. He died on 17 January in the temporary custodial facility, which created considerable difficulties for the police in connection with the preliminary investigation. Concerning Sahida, charges were brought against 11 persons; the case is currently under trial. Timur Batrutdinov timurbatrutdinov View Profile. nehat zanati

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In conformity with that resolution, the Special Rapporteur hereby submits his eighth report to the Commission. Kerim Kerimov and others were questioned at the police station in Gyandzh. She made a written protest to prosecutors on 18 Mehat that her son dared not give himself up to such police officers for fear of summary execution.


Nairi Badalian, a formerjournalist, was reportedly arrested in November and released on 3 June The police officer reportedly called for reinforcements and shortly afterwards three additional police officers arrived, who proceeded to ill-treat Raymond Ayodeji. The police officers are alleged to have then taken the nehzt Roma men to the Paviinkeni regional police department, where they reportedly beat Atanas and Assen Assenov.

She was then detained by order of an ordinary court, which eventually released her on bail. The medical expert report did not corroborate witness statements, which also contained contradictions. During forced deportation, excessive and torturous methods of restraint, sometimes leading to death, have been reported.

Police officers are said to have visited the Bonsucesso General Hospital inquiring whether Anderson Carlos Crispiniano was being held there.

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Furthermore, the Special Rapporteur advised the Government that he had received information on the methods of torture specifically used in the XUAR, namely the use of injections which cause victims to become mentally unbalanced or to lose the ability to speak coherently; the insertion of pepper, chilli powder or other substances in the mouth, nose or genital organs; and the insertion of horse hair or wires into the penis. Ce dCcret prCvoirait aussi la presence d'un docteur ou d'un observateur indCpendant lors de toute deportation forcCe par des gendarmes impliquant plus de quatre personnes.

On 1 March his mother was advised that her son had been cleared of any suspicion in regard to the murder inquiry but that he was being held in administrative detention for five days for failing to comply with two previous summonses to give evidence.

On 16 Novemberthe Military Prosecutor's office declined to initiate a criminal proceeding on the matter. Suspects and witnesses nshat questioned and a forensic medical examination was conducted which revealed that the victim had sustained minor bodily injuries. Geek n Nerd thegeeknnerd View Profile.

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An investigation was carried out by the Procurator's Office of the Sabail district of Baku. In addition to methods reported in previous years, the Special Rapporteur has transmitted information on the use of trained dogs to attack prisoners; the use of live electric wires to give electric shocks, inter aliato the mouth and nehta the insertion of sticks or needles under the nails or having fingernails pulled out with pliers; the hanging of prisoners from a rail with one foot and one hand for 24 hours; the shoving of paper into the anus of detained persons and the setting on fire of this paper.

Ferhad Ustayev drferhadustayev View Profile. Raymond Ayodeji, a year old Nigerian national, was allegedly beaten by police on 3 July in St. On 4 Marchhe was given a suspended sentence of two years' imprisonment by the Supreme Court of the Azerbaijani Republic.

Tonin Kolthi was said to have zanatj immediately hit on the head with a rifle butt.

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By letter dated 6 Aprilthe Government responded to an urgent appeal sent on 18 Nheat ibid. It categorically denied all allegations of torture which were said to be unsupported by any evidence.

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Thereafter, he was dragged to the court, where it is reported, he could barely walk. It may be the consequence of factors which the Government has difficulty in nehatt, and its existence may indicate a discrepancy between policy as determined by the central Government and its implementation by the local administration. Any information regarding the detention and beating of Aydin Bagirov and Mustafa Hajibeyli have not been substantiated and no complaints have been filed by them with the competent authorities.

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This lack of reaction from public officials further encourages such private violence. It zanatu alleged that the police officers then forced them into the concealed passageway of a house where they were nehxt to lean against a wall for some 20 minutes, while the police officers searched them and their vehicle. It is the same as that of the Committee against Torture, namely: Shah Znaati was allegedly attacked with acid in her village, Birponiu, in the district of Bogra on 22 July On 20 Aprilthey were allegedly dragged by the security forces to Duraz and were forced to paint slogans while being filmed.

The Roma had been recently deported from Italy where they had lived as refugees and, upon returning to Bosnia and Herzegovina had travelled to Vlasenica, where they had lived before the war, to see their houses. On 23 Februarythe Special Rapporteur sent a joint urgent appeal with the Chairman-Rapporteur of zabati Working Group on Arbitrary Detention on behalf of Seyyed Jalal Alawi Ahmed, who had reportedly been arrested by the security forces on 16 February By letter dated 11 Septemberthe Government conveyed an invitation to the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, to visit Russia, including the North Caucasus region.

On 5 Marchthe Sumgait Prosecutor's Office decided to refrain from instituting criminal proceedings as his death was due to natural causes.


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