Vicious Gladiator's fist weapons should not be using placeholder art. To enhance your user experience, support technical features, and personalize content and ads, this site uses cookies. Instead it makes the next Rune Tap free while Will of the Necropolis is active. Crippling Poison now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds. Focused Will now procs when the priest is critically hit, in addition to its current effect. bartender cataclysm 4.0.6

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Pursuit of Justice is now cahaclysm Holy Power when the paladin gets stunned by the Fire mage talent Impact. User Interface For opening cinematics there is now a streaming option interface in the login screen for play-on-demand. Lost City of the Tol'vir Lockmaw no longer tolerates fighting in his treasure room. Elemental Oath properly increases the damage of Earthquake. Druids Barkskin is no longer dispellable.

Runescroll of Fortitude II was applying Fortitude, which only provides Stamina instead of the Stamina listed in the tooltip. These inconsistencies have been corrected. Below you'll find the official patch notes, last updated General Bug Fixes Many holiday decorations have been updated to better align with the post-Cataclysm world.

Priests The duration of Levitate has been increased to 10 minutes, up from 2. These are not intended to be a cost-effective source of these materials, but an option for players with lots of Justice or Honor Points who have already purchased all of the gear that interests them. Grand Vizier Ertan His health has been reduced slightly.

Players with more than fragments will not lose additional fragments in 4. Presence of Mind is no longer consumed when Flame Orb is cast. Willey Hopebreaker no longer plays extraneous "I'm dying" sound variations simultaneously when a Scarlet Cannon is fired.

bartender cataclysm 4.0.6

Kill credit for the Tol Barad bonus quest bosses will now be granted to players who have helped attack them, even if they are not in the same group. The socket colors for the normal and Heroic bartendeg of Blood-Soaked Saronite Stompers Icecrown Citadel were inconsistent and have been updated.

Talent Specializations Affliction Soul Swap can no longer be dispelled the aura given to the warlock between swapping. To account for this change, the health and damage of the drakes has been reduced, and the damage bonus gained from Dragon's Vengeance has been increased. Nature's Bounty no longer affects Swiftmend, but now has a new effect.

bartender cataclysm 4.0.6

Originally Posted by FriedEggs. In addition, it is now possible to use and waste this ability when not snared or rooted.

The drops from Tiny Treasure Chests have been improved slightly. High Priestess Azil shouldn't be able to Force Grip players through the altar. Tremor Totem has been redesigned.

This effect is no longer applied to worgen. The Victorious buff can bartenrer longer proc before the warrior learns Victory Rush. Dying while using a Charge ability will no longer leave the player's corpse suspended in the air.

We have reduced support for legacy browsers.

The Rebuke talent has been replaced with a new passive talent, Sacred Shield. Guardian Stones correctly drop from Stone Guardians. Eviscerate was showing reduced energy cost at low levels, even though the cost should remain 35 energy.

The daily Random Dungeon reward on normal difficulty has been increased to Justice Points, up from Online members can now be sorted to the top of the View Crafters list.

Patch Official Notes

Altairus The visual effects in this encounter have been adjusted to make the wind direction easier to read. Multiple Heroic items dropping in the Halls of Origination had level requirements that were too low and have been updated.

Ravage no longer counts toward stun diminishing returns. Take advantage of ad-free gaming, cool profile skins, automatic beta access, and private chat with Kong Plus.


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